Ardkore Mega Expansion

‘Ardkore Mega Expansion’ Unpacks The Bold and Eclectic in A Gripping Collaboration

Sig Nu Gris (she/her)

Paul Burns (they/them)

Interviewed by Alice Ruby McDonald

Music producer Sig Nu Gris or otherwise known as Erin Hyde (she/her) has teamed up in a rich and explorative creative collaboration with filmmaker and great friend Paul Burns (they/them) to produce a short film to the Sig Nu Gris track ‘Ardkore Mega Expansion’ where energy and electric movement combine.

I had the pleasure of interviewing the two on their collaboration and the multitude of processes that went into this project. 

ERIN: “My creative process is so random. I struggle to sit down and create unless I’m in a particular mood, so yeah my energy comes and goes in waves. When I do get to making music though I typically start with a sample, and go from there – something that interests my ears and gives me inspiration. Or lately I’ve been enjoying starting with melodies, or chords, on my keys. I really feel my way through the process and I rarely come to the table with a fully formed idea in mind, I like letting the sounds take me and creating more intuitively.”

“Collaboratively I wish that I could say I had more of a hand in the making of the video, but it was all Paul. Paul picked the song they wanted to use and came to me with a few ideas, then eventually has this more fully fleshed concept for Ardkore and I was just like yep, done. That sounds amazing. “

“I like trusting someone with my art to see how it speaks to them personally – to let what comes to them through my song come to life.

PAUL:  “Ardkore Mega Expansion stood out to me because I loved the breakneck energy of it, and saw a lot of potential to do something exciting with that. It was fabulous because Erin said I trust you and you can go ahead and make whatever you like with this song.”

Paul took on the emotions he felt from the piece of music to build his narrative and vision for the clip. 

PAUL: “The idea behind setting the music video in a really big field is because that setting is associated with limitless horizons, freedom, a romanticised vision of childhood where kids run around until the sun sets etc. Putting a prison-like space in that setting provides an extra element of torture - the trapped person is constantly reminded of the freedom they don't possess. I suppose that is somewhat reflective of what many of us experienced in lockdown, where suddenly you couldn’t leave a 5 km radius. It was a bit confronting. There were so many places you could theoretically go but there was a moral imperative to stay put.”

Paul’s usage of overt props were not fixed into the COVID narrative, they also captured feelings related to “anxiety, depression or trauma and the feeling of not being able to find a way of living that’s mentally, emotionally and/or physically sustainable. It’s that feeling of being backed into a corner, not knowing what your options are, and not knowing where to seek support.” 

P: “One of the most overt symbols in the room is the small sculpture of two bodies intertwined and fusing - that was very much about intimacy, specifically not having it and wanting it.”

Paul perfectly captured the overall frank darkness of Sig Nu Gris latest album release ‘Threshold’. With ‘Ardkore Mega Expansion’ feeling shamelessly unresolved yet deeply cathartic. 

E: “Paul nailed the video and I couldn’t have asked for anything better. It felt like we hit the same wavelength in terms of how I made the song, and what kind of video Paul wanted to make from it so yeah. The maniacal, disorientated and explosive energy to the video is infused throughout my album for sure. I also think that Ardkore Mega Expansion is a really good representation of my album in general, so I’m really glad Paul decided to make something for it.”

The video clip to Sig Nu Gris track “Ardkore Mega Expansion’ is deeply moving and gripping, with Paul and Erin’s creative styles harmoniously combined. The two have produced something sophisticated that clutches the viewer both visually and auditory. 

The pair also wanted to give a huge mention to their amazing creative crew: 

Writer, Director & Co-producer: Paul Burns

Starring: Maggie Brittingham

Producer & 1st AD: Matt Garrand

Director of Photography: Thomas Snowden

Production Designer: Cameron Miller

Editor: Alex Hodge

Sound Designer: Adam Stobbs

Colour Gradist: Daniel Witt

1st AC: Bailey Quinn

2nd AC: Marcus Read

3rd AC / Runner: Andy Modra

Gaffer & Best Person: Pietro Tomarchio

Production Assistants: Alyssa Moller, Alex Hodge & Terry Brittingham

Covid Safety Officer: Matthew Temby

Unit Manager: Byron Hewson


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