Hello Sisi
Sienna Ludby
design & make for yourself first. If you love it others will too.
Where did the concept behind your bags come from?
The concept came from being a bit lost in life. I was working a job that I really didn’t love anymore and I didn’t have anything creative happening. I would come home and make little bags out of PVC and things I would find around the house. I was very lucky to meed Ellie from Coco store while holding one of my bags. A week later they were stocked in her shop, I quit my job and 4 years later here we are. I still have the first ones and it’s really beautiful to see how far they have come.

What inspires you and your work?
I love to watch old cartoons. Betty Boop is my favourite. Thumbelina is a close second. I have always loved cartoons and find them such a nice way to switch off and enter a world of pure imagination and happiness. If I am feeling a bit lost creatively I will watch an old cartoon with a notepad. Most of the time the notepad will remain blank haha as I am just so content watching the movie but it helps fresh ideas and concept begin to form in my mind.
What do you consider to be your greatest achievement to date?
All the people I have met on this journey. I have made so many beautiful friendships with other creatives and customers. I am always in awe of peoples kindness, generosity and support. Creating a family through people supporting and loving what you make is amazing. Its an achievement I will always be proud of.
How has your practice changed over time, especially during lockdown and COVID?
Covid & Lockdown was the best and worst all rolled into one. I squished my studio into my living room hehe sorry Jake (my boyfriend had stickers and fabrics all over the couch for about a year and half). Somedays I did a lot of staring at the wall and procrastinating but others I was really motivated. Covid was also a really good time for me to figure out what I want to be making. Last year I decided to close my customs so I had more time to work on new things and it has been one of the best things i’ve done. Having the time to make bags I love and trial new ideas has been so fun.

Do you have any advice for a young creative person starting out in Melbourne?
Make pieces that you love. Try to not let instagram influence you. Its very easy to compare yourself to others and get lost creatively. I am guilty of this. I always try and keep the things I love around me. Soft toys, my favourite images, inspirations, magazines etc are all stuck up on the walls of my studio. So if I ever feel my mind wandering to a place where I am feeling lost I can look up and think No SISI you got this. Make what you love and others will love it too.
What is next for you?
This year has been a slow one for me. I’m taking time to plan things and get inspired rather than just dive into projects which is what I usually do. I have always wanted to make matching shirt and skirts sets. This is the year.