Daisy Ellery
Digital Creations @da1syet
Photography & Videography @a.girlisa.gun
Naarm based multidisciplinary creative
I truly discovered photography around three years ago whilst studying a short course in fashion business at the London College of Fashion. My exceptionally talented muse and best friend Jyoti Dobson was also there studying film. I was so fascinated with her love and talent for moving images that I thought I would take a peek into its power through the lens of photography. My first real shoot was outside our small apartment. I did Jyoti’s makeup and styled her out of my suitcase. From then on, I continued to work with friends, shooting them in my home and styling them out of my closet.
Featuring Jyoti Dobson in London

The best tip I could give to people interested in image creation is to shoot as many of the people around you that you can and as much as you can. It has truly become one of my most salient love languages to those dearest to me.
Featuring Emily Borrud in Byron Bay
I have found that most of my recent creative choices are motivated by my fascination with the power of fantasy.
I believe fantasy can afford us much insight into our true needs and wants, helping to reconnect us with our intuitive selves. Hence why I am continually gravitating towards an otherworldly aesthetic and themes such as futurism, surrealism and hedonism. In turn, much of my work is hyper stylised and elevated through the use of uber rich colour, dramatic, dark or ultra diffused lighting and digital abstractions.
Featuring vocal artist Asha Ryder-West
I want to entice the unreachable aura of fantasy with a delivery as reachable as an iphone screen and as immediate as my subject's reality.
This creates an opportunity for both artist and audience to connect with the possible through the perceived impossible. This is when art can provide us a much needed relief from the increasingly sharp edges of our world and the existential symptoms of twenty first century life.
We are all searching for the relief of suspended belief and often find it in entertainment that is built on exploitation and maladaptive dissociation. Therefore, it is up to young creatives like myself to help reshape our digital consumption toward a more human level connection.
Featuring Celeste Evans in Daisy’s ‘Dazzle me’ series of exploring drag culture
I believe that through simulating a far more expansive and expressive world in art we can help galvanized people to pursue its actualisation. To create storytelling with such therapeutic possibilities I believe an emphasis on community is essential. That is why I find the multidisciplinary back bone of image creation to be at the core of its power.
The opportunity for collaboration in photography is truly abundant and one of the many reasons I cherish my practice. We can not only simulate a more desirable existence in our final creations but equally through the creative process. Creativity can make a space in which I and those around me learn to be more compassionate, community minded and in touch with a childlike sense of possibility and openness.
BTS of Jonty Knight X Pedestrian TV Documentary ‘PURRR’
My most recent work shooting behind the scenes of Jonty Knight’s latest documentary ‘PURRR’ was an experience so beautifully indicative of this. This project held space for queer expression and connection in a way i had never seen before. I am still in awe of the talent weaved into every aspect of this project. There were many moments when I would find myself feeling like a child surrounded by beautiful costumes, delicately painted faces and fantastical set’s.
It helped me accept my inner desire for such extravagance and expression, in a space such as this - being normal was abnormal. This links back to my belief that through projecting our deepest and often suppressed ‘fantasies’ we can yield a better grasp of our inner intuitive self. My images from this project reflect my small hand in a community’s love letter to the freedom of querness. A freedom that nurtures the aspects of my life where I feel most loved and alive.
BTS of Jonty Knight X Pedestrian TV Documentary ‘PURRR’ Featuring Mike Nguyen & @khiaarraa
BTS of Jonty Knight X Pedestrian TV Documentary ‘PURRR’ Featuring Rrian/Aysha Buffet