Tamsin Otway
Naarm based artist experimenting within the genre of pop

I'm an independent artist from Melbourne Australia and have been releasing music under TAMS/N OTWAY since 2019. I'd say I fall within the Alternative Pop Genre but I wouldn't hold me to it.
Honestly I'm really just making this up as I go along, most of the time I have no idea what I'm doing. I've never really felt like I fit in anywhere, but I know I love creating, so my plan is to keep following my impulses and see where it takes me.
I hope to inspire people to take chances, if there's something you really want to do in this life - only make moves in that direction.
This is your own personal video game, choose your player.
Tams/n speaks about her journey as an artist and the playful take on misogyny in her lyrics
In 2021 alone, you’ve released three singles and a remix. Tell us about your own formula for success and are you self-taught in most of the things you do?
I've had a lot of personal wins with my music over the past year, things that I'm really proud of as an independent artist. I only recently started using a digital audio workstation to write my songs which has helped me create more of the Pop sound that I wanted. I've also been really lucky to work alongside Tobias Priddle for each of my songs, he's an amazing producer, writer, mixer and mentor. I've learnt a lot about production, equipment & recording. He does a really great job of bringing my ideas to life while adding in his personal magic and I'm extremely grateful for the opportunity I get to co-produce alongside him.
Can you speak about your latest single Audacity which is a playful take on misogyny?
Audacity was ridiculously satisfying to create. As women, we all know how many times we've been spoken down to by men, picked on, made to feel stupid, abused, disrespected. When I wrote the lyric "Your opinions are a waste land what you're pushing, I don't care man" I imagined Cher from Clueless or Elle Woods from Legally blonde. The sass, the flare, the confidence. I don't know how we got to a point where women were treated as less than men, you can say it's changed but we all know it still exists. Misogyny has been bred into all of us and it's up to us to identify it within ourselves and make a change. "You play it off like it doesn't apply to you, but we all know it's woven into all that you do, so uncool..."

The song is actually inspired by Britney Spears and her situation with the conservatorship.
The lyric "we know that you're toxic" is a homage to her hit "Toxic".
I wanted to play into the current rise of the naughties, which is taking back the power of bimbofication.
What’s something you wish someone had told you, or you wish you’d known, when you first started out in the field?
I wish someone had told me that whatever I decide to create IS enough. When it comes to art, it's expression, there's really no way you can go wrong as long as you create from love and joy. Life and art are meant to be fun, there's nothing more satisfying than following through with a ridiculous idea and being brave enough to share it with the world. I really do believe you can create your own reality in life, the problem is, not a lot of us are told that growing up. Don't ever let people bring you down for being bold. Audacity is dedicated to the women who felt like they couldn't be themselves.
How do you think your creative process has evolved throughout your career and are you wanting to conduct more collaborations with other artists?
My creative process is always changing. I'm still at a point where I'm finding my flow and getting to know myself. I think if I had the chance to collaborate with another artist it would have to feel right.
At the moment I think I still need to develop my own artistry. I wanna know that when I get to that stage, I'm confident in what I can bring to the table.

It's poking fun at the mansplainers, the guys who think their opinions are the most important in the room, the ones who constantly condescend and belittle the people around them.
This is for the toxic ones...we all know a few…
I’ve struggled with being put in a box my whole life. I always change, I can’t help it.
And finally, what can we look forward to seeing from you in the future?
I'm looking forward to seeing how far I can take this and I'm excited by anyone that wants to follow along. I'm hoping to share some more raw songs that help you scratch a psychological itch.
find more on this link page : tamsinotwaymusic.com/links
Interview by Isabella Cini (she/her)
Photography by Eliza Hoyland, Nogani Moore who goes by 'Gani' and Ryan Wheatley