Robert Baxter





Dropping their first single of the year; confessional pop track ‘Twenty Something’ 28 September and music video 5th October.

“Robert has a rich background as a dancer and actor, appearing in music videos for Tones and I, BIRDZ, Ecca Vandal, Alex the Astronaut and more. “ 

How did you hone your craft and get into music specifically? 

When I was 10 I bought my first CD, ‘The Fame’ by Lady Gaga, and it really awakened something in me to be like omg I want to hype everyone and give people that energy. I was always very into dancing but that was the pivotal moment when it changed to being about music. When I was 19 I released my first two songs ‘Tell Me’ and ‘Comfort You’. My music journey progressed when I came to Melbourne at the start of the year from Shepparton in rural Victoria. I wanted to be a full time artist and to focus on music but music is hard to make money off so I have been a dance teacher for about six years, and I work at the Push, which is this youth music organisation where I do social media. Since being here I have made a lot of connections in the music industry and since having this job I have seen that there are people that believe in me.. It's weird because at the beginning of the year I had so much time and no connections and now I have so many connections and not enough time. 

Tell us a bit about Twenty Something and your influences?

In 2021, when we were in our sixth lockdown, I was in my family home in Shepparton, Victoria and I would be hoping for a better life trying to think about how I would make life fucking amazing when I get out of here. I wrote this song about all the things that I was missing and how when we get out of this we are going to have an amazing time and it's going to be okay. Usually the way I start is by playing keys and singing to myself, so I’ll write the lyrics and sing some chords on the keyboard and then start producing it. This song I produced as I was writing and once the whole song was done I sent it off to my friend Alex Garla, who’s a studying producer, who made it sound amazing. I’d call him the producer, I am just the writer. I decided ‘Twenty Something’ would be my first music video because this is my first time making a song that is relatable for everyone. I wanted to do a music video like all of those quirky films that you watch as a teen as I had never seen one where I felt represented. A lot of the times where I see myself represented is in sad movies that use trauma or capitalise off queer or asian stories being sad. I wanted to be the main character and have all my friends to show how beautiful life can be if you make it beautiful. I think the line “let's chase all the moments that feel golden really captures it. 

How would you position yourself in the music scene? How would you like to curate your identity? 

I want to be ever-changing, I have some alter-egos and I am excited to bring them out. I am in the ballroom community and my ballroom name is Cupid 007. Cupid 007 is the hyper-pop really feminine side of me and then my other alter ego is Big Hed Bobby which is because I have a big head physically and mentally. That is my rapper alter ego so the last song I released called Tamagotchi has Big Head Bobby represented on the album cover.  I just want to release songs whenever, this song Twenty Something and the next song that I am releasing ‘Just for The night’, they are both just ‘Robert’ songs and then songs from other characters will come out. I identify as gender fluid and I think that it is really fun that I can switch depending on how I am feeling. Being queer and asian is a part of the reason why I love modelling - because I want people who are younger and similar to me to see themselves. When I was teaching in Shepparton there was this girl who told me that this was the first time she had seen someone who had been out and proud and just doing their thing. She saw that as a sign that you can be queer and still be successful and have a happy life. When she came out to her parents she told them about me - I was part of her coming out speech; that made me cry. Hearing that makes me think that’s why I do what I do. I love making music and I love making people feel something. In the end having faces that are against norm be out there and present everywhere is really important. 

Where do you see yourself in 5 years? What are your goals?

I just want to keep making music and collaborate with artists from around Australia, especially queer artists. I want to keep building my live music experience here and make it something exciting and interesting. I have learnt a lot from friends that I have watched perform live and have learnt what I love about their performances. I want to create a unique live music experience, start performing festivals and touring. This premiere party that I am about to have, my friend Mon is helping me organise the event and they are going to be my DJ. I have always wanted to have that Charlie XCX music experience where there is no band and that one DJ behind Charlie XCX. That is everything I need, I don’t need a band - I want everyone to jump. The way that other artists use guitar to amplify their songwriting, I want to use dance to amplify my songwriting. I want to be able to dance and I want everyone to be able to dance. 

What can we get excited for?

The next song out is called ‘Just for The night’ so get excited for that and more live shows and maybe even a few queer events…I think in the past, when I lived in rural Victoria, I thought my purpose was to educate everyone and anytime someone was bigoted I thought it was my responsibility to teach them to be a better ally but now I have changed my motto to  “Look Hot and Have Fun”. I am enough, just by being me I am already doing enough to be a good example for young people who want to be open and queer. Everyone who isn’t a good ally can do their own research, it’s not my problem. 




Molly Jane