Tatum Spicer
@tinnyspice @poesiedetatum
Wurundjeri Country
My work is poetry. I write from the heart… about ideas, fleeting thoughts, people, things I’ve observed and my surrounds, etc… all which come to me sometimes suddenly, other times brewed for a while. I started writing poetry in 2018, then had a massive hiatus and got back into it this past year. Initially I was consistent with producing rhyming poetry, but nowadays I let the poems flow and evolve organically. I have been writing a lot about nature recently as I am forever exploring a green lush pocket of Melbourne/Australia. I have a strong emotional connection to my poems; for the most part they directly reflect my state of mind in a given moment or an emotional experience is that which sparked the poem. I invite viewers to read more of my work on Instagram. I have so far had the honour of doing some spoken word poetry at Pablo’s Cocktails & Dreams in Hobart and hope to do more of this sort of event!

Fields of yellow flowers,
Like yellow paint sprawled across a canvas,
Bursts of colour appear arbitrarily,
Upon closer inspection obscure plants and flowers are discerned,
If the field is a face, then they are her accessories,
Small houses in the distance like props on a board game,
But it is green that dominates,
Interminable mountains span the horizon and fade into the distance,
A true walk of wonder
Green mountains with undulating waves,
The conquest seems strenuous albeit alluring,
An off the beat trail carries us to the secret waterfall,
Her water freezing yet enlivening,
The body in a state of shock,
But it’s not long now…
Soon she adjusts and the water mutates into a soothing awakening bath,
The sun kisses our skin,
The hairs on our arm awaken to soak up her rays,
Sinking valleys and incessant fields of grass,
Take a deep breath…do.
The weather is ever changing,
Almost like the metaphysical embodiment of one’s state of mind,
One moment still, the next raging and wild,
So too the weather has her moments,
So too the weather is multifaceted and possesses varying faces,
I look around, it’s calm,
Yet its unbeknownst to me what’s around the corner
The water glistens like a diamond in the sun,
Folds and waves in the water like patterns in a children’s book,
Like the folds in a blanket after waking from a slumber,
Shades of blue interlaced with brown and purple,
Always a reflection of that which she mirrors,
Be it the shrubs, the palm trees, or a crystal blue sky,
She offers tranquillity and serenity to all who surround her
Memories, such a funny thing,
Looking back, oh the emotions it brings,
A return to a moment, a certain point in time,
It invokes a feeling, somewhere between the somber and the sublime,
I feel connected, and disconnected all at once,
Some faces have remained, others having vanished like dust,
Oh memory, composing the me of today,
And yet a return to you only sometimes coveted, other times grey