tried to escape myself,
running from the sound of my own footsteps.
not realising that the quicker the rush,
the louder the noise.
- searching
If I had another pair of hands
I would dedicate them to you.
I would use their fingertips
dripping my love
through their tips
trailing their surfaces
along your body.
i would give them calluses,
wearing my tips down to smooth your skin,
strengthening mine in return.
with every touch and stroke,
i picture my love
soaking into your skin
like butter
soaking in to toast.
- dedication
are given pleasure spots so that they can be used.
as if energy can be
by our own touch.
fingers magical like sunlight,
warmth spread electrically like starlight.
without my own touch, i would not know myself.
- no shame in masturbation
i am constantly torn between wanting to hear im beautiful,
but never believing you when you say it.
- struggle