Shin Splints
Miah Argent (she/her)
This collection is a small glimpse into a life being lived, through heartache and trials all under the guise of growth. Lessons taught by the guidance of both fraternal and maternal voices. Often leaving a mark of their own lives in their teachings. ‘Shin splints’ are a painful part of growing up too fast but ultimately allow you to stand much taller.
Awakabal Land
He taught me all my best attributes.
He taught me…
how to win over a crowd.
Merely with a smile.
to stand up straight.
Never allowing anyone to convince me that I am lesser.
to seize the day, as the early bird catches the worm.
It is impossible to succeed whilst you are sleeping.
how to make the most out of the least.
Finding the beauty in the simplest of things.
that my relationships with people will be what takes me the distance.
“It’s not what you know, it’s who you know.”
to never lose focus of who I am.
Or my roots.
to walk with confidence.
So I would never be scared of the dark .
to stay determined.
So that my passion would enrapture the people around me.
My father prepared me for almost anything .
Only neglecting, that something ran through my veins.
Something stronger than we would ever be.
A love for the illicit.
A love we would not be able to control.
Generosity comes in so many shapes and forms.
It comes as a smile.
It comes as a shared laugh.
It comes as giving another your time.
It comes as gifting stories and tales.
It comes as just simply listening.
It comes as company, even only to sit in each other's silences.
Growing up often means being disillusioned by the world.
It’s learning that very rarely are people being honest.
Even if they truly believe what they are relaying to you.
They are usually lying to themselves
There’s something in normality that’s so breathtaking.
Repeating the tasks, through fresh eyes.
With love and tender care.
Having the same discussions with alternate outcomes.
Even just watching people live and breathe.
Isn’t it gorgeous?
I tell them what I am up to. How much I have done. How hard I have worked. To be met by blank stares and meaningless nods.
I feel myself begging to be noticed, just grasping for a glimpse of validation. Yet the room can only bear to comment on my clothes, my hair and their own lives.
I tell my father about all that I have achieved this year.
In a synoptic way, of course.
He would never give me enough time to share any details. He follows my quick spiel, by asking if I “ … had been seeing anyone?”
By anyone he implies a man.
My heart sinks into an abyss as I reply,“No I haven’t.”
His eyes roll and he turns to face away.
This familiar interview process, in front of a panel of irrelevant relatives, occurs every time I return.
And no matter what I do, the result always remains the same.
Some people in life are thrown an obstacle or adversity that stops them in their tracks.
But unfortunately I was not raised that way.
I always knew that growth was not supposed to be easy. But it honestly is more of a battle than I could ever have conceptualised.
You put yourself together time and time again. Only to be broken down at every turn.
The thing about being broken down, though, is that you put back the pieces a little differently each time.
These pieces come together with new cracks.
Allowing for more people to see through the once tightly bound fortress that was your mind (and soul).
This growing vulnerability is beautiful and … oh so painful.
It opens you up to so much risk, which in turn allows you to blossom.