My positionality is fuck off

Jocelyn Saunders



'My positionality is fuck off' is an admittedly very harsh critique of positionality, in poetry form. Not necessarily against the concept of positionality itself, but rather the incessant demands by magazines, universities, and job applications to share one's positionality, the poem critiques how the concept of sharing and reflecting on one's positionality is a white-centred idea. As a piece, it was inspired by my growing frustration at being constantly forced to disclose something personal and was written as a response to an open call that requested my positionality in the submission email. Needless to say, they didn't accept my submission.

My positionality is stop objectifying me you piece of sh

My positionality is I don’t have any control over people’s assumptions, only what I tell them, and you wanna take that from me??

My positionality is incredibly useful for white people to understand their privilege… if we’re lucky

My positionality is a great way for people to meet their diversity quotas

My positionality is a fancy new word for asking ‘what are you doing here?’

My positionality is a fantastic way to make my opinion valid

My positionality is nonono don’t get me wrong I don’t hate positionality I see why the concept of intersectionality and knowing the built-in privilege of people is useful. I just don’t want you to take more from me.

My positionality is fuck that. I’m not being diplomatic. I’m always diplomatic. You be diplomatic.

My positionality is why do I have to keep doing this when I know it’s wrong?

My positionality is it’s getting better.

My positionality is just wait for them to be ready. 

My positionality is they’re making small steps. 

My positionality is change happens slowly.

My positionality is if you make it too complex they won’t understand it.

My positionality is if you’re too aggressive they won’t listen to you.

My positionality is if you make it too confrontational they’ll reject it.

My positionality is they’ll get there.

My positionality is tired.

My positionality is impatient.

My positionality is frustrated.

My positionality is behavioural issues.

My positionality is over-confrontational.

My positionality is sooo brave.


She Likes to Pretend I Don't Know - Wladyslawa Uzsko