Hi I’m India!
A graphic designer, passionate music sharer and the founder of Spiraro, an upcycled Naarm clothing brand.

Spiraro launched at the start of 2021 after years of ideas and collecting clothes from all over the world.

It’s an experimental fashion project using recycled fabrics and several types of eccentric production techniques inspired by the natural world and its presence in an urban landscape.

Whether it be cracks in the pavement with a little sprout bursting through or earthstar mushrooms I find on my walks
I’m constantly inspired by the living world.

As a result of using recycled fabric in my production, piles of clothes are being saved from landfill and the customer gets to wear a one-off handmade piece.
My hope is that the customers gain and share knowledge of how buying first hand contributes from issues such as underpaid workers in sweatshops and environmental degradation.
Slow fashion is the future

I’m currently developing a new service: “drop off and pzazz”. I will upcycle your clothes that don’t get enough wear, or a piece you find secondhand whether it be from your dad’s closet, an opshop or a deceased estate. You simply post/drop off to my studio with as little or as many ideas as you like and I’ll be sure to spice it up for you!

I’ve got a website (above) where you can purchase all Spiraro pieces, see archived pieces and enquire about customs.
You can also see more on Instagram, which I update regularly with market dates, new pieces and the design process.
I post my own graphic design work, upcoming DJ gigs and mixes to my personal account!