Hi Rebecca! Could you tell me a bit about yourself?
Hey! So I own the fashion label GOO By Becca and I create sexy sustainable pieces. I’ve recently graduated from university so just currently freelancing as a stylist and creative director whilst working on new collections - basically doing my dream job right now.
When did you gain an interest in fashion, and how did GOO come to be?
I’ve always had an interest in fashion and making things but I’ve never had any formal education in the creation of garments. My degree at university was Fashion Art Direction, so was more based around the creation of fashion imagery rather than making garments. GOO actually started when I was 17, I don’t think a lot of people know that! I made hand embroidered t-shirts - I think I have always had an interest in creating something and working for myself, just back then I didn’t actually think it could be my full time job.
Who are your fashion idols and inspirations?
Mostly my inspirations come from other small designers - everyone is so talented and innovative so its really inspiring to see! My favourites currently are probably @toralily_, @nuclear_planet, @sourtai, and @rhidancey. Following and engaging with independent designers is so refreshing especially when finding inspiration for my styling work.
How would you describe the Manchester fashion scene?
I feel like people have such an individual sense of style - when I’m walking round I’m trying to take mental notes of how people are styling their clothes so I can use it in my own outfits and styling work! Definitely shopping second hand is really big in Manchester which I think lends to everyone having a defined sense of their own style.
What are 5 words that describe the aesthetic or vibe of GOO?
Sexy, Sustainable, Subversive, Experimental, and Collaborative.

I've read that you've worked on a bunch of amazing projects - such as volunteering at London Fashion Week, speaking at the Atkinson Gallery on Vivienne Westwood and sustainability, and being a featured seller for huge companies like Depop. What has been your favourite project to be a part of?
Working with Depop 100% - its so encouraging when a big platform reaches out to you to help promote your brand especially as there are so many sellers on Depop. I worked on their Cyber Week campaign and creating seller education videos, each member of the team that I worked with was so supportive showed a genuine interest in what I was doing as a seller on the platform.
What values are important to you as a fashion designer?
Transparency is my main value - whether that be about how the clothes are made and where the materials come from or when shooting a collection on set as a stylist and creative director ensuring everyone is comfortable and happy. I feel that as companies get bigger they start to lose a lot of that transparency, so I am always trying to keep myself in check and ensure that is not being lost along the way!

What needs to change about the industry that exists today?
There are a lot of nuances to consider when talking about fast fashion, but for as many people as possible to be educated on the corruption and exploitation that happens in the fashion industry. Obviously this cannot be attainable or realistic for everyone, but maybe a shift in focus from shopping fast fashion to supporting independent designs - most of fast fashion is now rip offs of small designers anyway. I would really love to start creating more pop ups and events around Manchester supporting small designers to help support this!
Finally, do you have any new / exciting upcoming projects or collections?
I have a second release of my lingerie collaboration with @jewelzbymealz, we are both so grateful for the support we have had on the first launch! It mainly focused on creating lingerie from offcuts of mesh that I had whilst they created charms from second hand beads and jewellery pieces. I also have a collaboration coming out with the image maker @beth_alexander__, who is making a collection of prints that are going to be transferred onto mesh which I can make pieces out of.