Anouk in three words?

How would you describe your prints and aesthetic?
My garments integrate graphic design, tattoo-style design and fashion to create one-off pieces. The graphics I make explore the juxtaposition of geometric and organic lines to achieve a sense of symmetry. They are predominantly influenced by tattoo design as I have always been fascinated by tattoos as a means of self expression.
Often holding sentimental value, they tell a story that reveal parts of yourself to the world. Just like clothes, tattoos have the power to communicate one’s unique style and interests. No matter what medium you use creativity provides an outlet to freely explore and express yourself to the world.
From idea to product, how do you go about your design process?
I always begin by developing some strong graphics to incorporate into my design. Next, I explore the process of different ways in which I can transform this 2D design into a tangible object. Because I make the clothes myself, I have the freedom to incorporate any method that allows me to effectively bring my vision to life and connect with the audience. This process varies from screen printing, knitting, sewing or Ebru marbling.
Typically, I design a garment or outsource second hand clothes then screen print my designs onto them.

Looking back over the years, how has your aesthetic evolved?
All the pieces I make are a reflection of myself at the time I create them. As a result my aesthetic is constantly evolving. When I first started Anouk my designs were much more basic and only focused on the construction of a garment. After studying communication design I became more interested in graphic design and this greatly influenced the garments I created. My aesthetic will continue to grow and transform as I explore my creativity and develop new skills.
What inspires and motivates you?
Over the years I have struggled with producing work consistently. Like most creatives my motivation comes in bursts and it’s hard to force creativity to come on demand. With this, it’s hard to feel productive when you’re stuck in this loop of needing to work but being unable to start. What I have found most helpful to reignite my motivation is to find inspiration from other forms of making not just clothes. In these times, I learn new skills like screen printing, knitting and jewellery design to free up my mind. This then inspires me to find ways to incorporate my new abilities into my brand.
What is your favourite part about designing?
I grew up in a very creative family so I’ve been surrounded by art and design my whole life. Designing and making art is kind of second nature to me, I see it as a sort of self expression and a means to connect with others. I am the kind of person who really needs variety and change to grow therefore designing gives me the freedom to explore all realms of my creativity.

What do you have planned for Anouk this year?
Honestly, I just put my all into growing my brand and look forward to seeing where it goes. I want to continue designing garments that reflect myself as a creative and I also would love to do some collaborations this year.