Many say that the essence of life is about finding our identity, accepting ourselves, and stopping acting according to what others expect.
No matter the time, the context, how much you grow up, or the codes imposed on you, no one can deny who they really are.
Teen Revolutyon is a publishing house that originates from and aims to represent this concept.
An ode to the stage of adolescence, or any other in our lives, where we look for ourselves, to the path of experimenting and trying things; to changes and mistakes. To show and claim that it is not necessary to adapt to the codes or to the norm of a society or an urban tribe, to appeal to freedom and to express ourselves as we want to be at that moment, and therefore to let ourselves go.
Teen Revolutyon makes an apology to stop being afraid, to play and discover new ideas or combinations, to take elements from every experience we live to appropriate them and thus create little by little our essence.
Be whoever u are!!! <3”
Photography: Martina Lynk @martininkk
Styling: Naüja Polo @naujapolo_18
Mua: Sergio Gruas
Models: Sara Mango @saramangoo
Design, concept and edition: Sara Mango @saramangoo




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Hello Sara! Such a pleasure to speak with you. Tell us about your editorial photoshoot and the meaning portrayed?
Hello! It's a pleasure for me! Well, this editorial arises from the idea of expressing the plurality of styles and cultures that we all live in today's society, perhaps from the personal discomfort of feeling that you have to limit yourself to being part of a community or a style and not being able to have your own personality. We wanted to express that it is good to be a collage of elements that you discover over the years and that the most beautiful thing of all is to take inspiration from each one of them to create your own essence; simply be faithful to your essence and grow in this way.
How did this project come about?
Well, I have always been a very creative person with many ideas, actually is that I constantly feel the need to create almost like breathing haha. I remember, one day I was reading magazines and figured, "wow, there are so many cool social groups and styles to mix, I don't understand why it's necessary to limit yourself to one, and if you don't, they judge you as immature".
So, thinking about this, I thought that I had to materialise it.
Also, I am so lucky to have a very good relationship with Martina, the photographer with whom I have worked quite a bit before, and you can see that she is brutally talented. We came up with the idea of how to shoot the photos, after trying to design the editorial in this conceptual line.
You are incredibly versatile. You created, modeled and edited this photoshoot. Do you do this often?
Thank you! As I mentioned before, I am so devout to creating, I'm very passionate about expressing something while I do it, and likewise sharing contemplation or ideas in an artistic and innovative way with people, it is something that makes me feel alive and fulfilled.
I also believe that as artists, just as this editorial defends, we should never close off or limit ourselves to just developing our art in a single field, and as a true artist, you should be interested in creating, designing, modeling, acting, whatever. You should be interested in any type of art. Likewise, I think that my whole life, I have shown a huge interest in any kind of artistic process for as long as I can remember.
What programs or editing tools did you use to create the final images?
Well, after shooting the photos, the first thing I did was work on the color and give them a good finish with Photoshop, in parallel, I made and scanned illustrations or elements that I later used for the background or as components in the final designs. Also, I used Paint Tool SAI to do many of the illustrations and text that appears. Later, I took all these elements, and in Photoshop too, I brought them together and gave them a touch of color again to perfect and make them follow the same aesthetic line.
Tell us a bit about your background? Where are you based?
From a very young age, I have been someone really interested in art, I was born in a town near Barcelona and something that has always represented me is that I have been doing theatre since I was 6 years old; I still could spend twenty-four hours a day acting without any problem. Throughout my childhood, I touched many disciplines, and a large part related to art, I studied drawing and painting, dancing, figuring skating, learning languages and literature, fashion, etc. And without forgetting that I have always been a fanatic about cinema and camera shooting. Nowadays, I'm studying for a degree in Audiovisual Communication and Cinematography and I just moved out to Madrid to continue my formation as an actress with a Master in Acting in Camera, because I completed my degree in interpretation for Theatre and Cinema.
The truth is, I don't come from a culturally educated family, much less from a high class, I've always been a bit of someone rather misunderstood in all the environments in which I grew up. Also, at school I was also a bit my own and people really didn't use to understand me very well, they perceived strange how I dressed or my tastes, to the point of excluding me. But, over time I have been realising that I should be grateful for my roots and all the experiences I have lived, for having been true to myself and developing my essence, betting on what I really wanted to do without letting the comments of others or the troubles stopped me, to always keep trying to transmit and create with good energy no matter how difficult it was, etc.
Perhaps it can be something hard because of the loneliness that it entails, but I am very grateful to come from where I come from, without it, I would not be who I am today nor would I be surrounded by incredible people and circles and to whom I am so grateful for supporting me and trusting me.
Tell me what your average day of creating looks like?
I believe that there is no day identical to any other, I suppose that depends on how I feel and the inspiration that comes to me. That is, may I have a horrible day and feel awful, but at the same time, this helps or inspires me to make one of my best projects.
Normally every day I try to take the opportunity to think or make something; listen to music, watch movies, read, dance, and even play sports, meditate or debate with friends; any of these activities usually helps me find something new to create about. Above all, I believe in perseverance and dedication, because in the end, talent or having a good creative personality is built on work and error.
What is a piece of advice you can give to those who are interested in your line of work?
If I had to give advice, it would undoubtedly be that the most important thing is to find yourself in whatever you do; express and create from your most sincere. When art is most enjoyable and inspiring when it has a bit of ourselves and shares it with others, allowing us to set a dialogue with the public. That is, for me, it is a must to transmit something with everything you create, in order to bring with your vision something new to others.
I believe that everyone has their way, and you should never try to look like or be someone you are not because what will make you special and achieve your goals, is to create being honest with yourself without letting trends or rules condition you. Be free to express yourself as you are!